Svitlana Shkil
I am open, honest and always on the side of my client. I love humor and lightness, friendly and attentive. I believe in my client and his/her potential, so together with me it’s easier to explore where one might not be able to do it, or consider it difficult, or not clear, as if the time has not yet come, that something is still missing or just scary. My clients witness the comfort and consistency in coaching, changes in life and the effectiveness of our general partnership.
The coach works according to the international standards of the world's
largest coaching federation ICF - without techniques and tools of
neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
[Verified by CoachingUP]

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My main values are
My values are freedom, the principle of "okay" for you and the whole world, partnership and humanism, which guide me in my work and personal life. I believe that a person deserves respect by birthright. It is an ideal system of balances that we learn throughout our lives - to be in peace and harmony with ourselves, others and the world.
Coaching for me is...
general, coaching is a process focused on accompanying and supporting a
person (client) by the coach in the format of a coaching dialogue between the
client and the coach, where the client is asked by the coach from the
client's context, tasks and goals. The coach follows the principles that the
client is an adult, his/her goal is from the real world of the client, he can
use the resources, skills and abilities that he gets best and most
productively to achieve his goal, that the client is prepared to work for his
goal after and/or between the sessions. In the course of interactions with a
coach, the client’s potential, skills and abilities are being revealed. The
systemic coaching work provides for transformations at the level of thinking
and mindset required for a person’s self-realization, solving his problems
and implementing plans and projects in life and business.
My clients' cases
Of course, these are not all of them. Here are only those that I have the right to share without disclosing confidential information
CASE 1. Duration of interaction: 12 sessions
The client with 15 years of entrepreneur experience, runs his business, CRM and has been invested a lot in creating his brand and online educational course for authoring methods of work. Along with this, as a part of developing an own brand, a new role of the client appeared to a tutor/trainer, which the client decided to support and develop in partnership with a larger brand company working in the client's business niche. The client did not notice how he lost motivation and drove himself into bondage of obligations. The client's own business began to sag. Relationships in the family deteriorated. Additionally there is a need to restore motivation and emotional state.
Long-term contract for 12 sessions, the client extended the contract for another 6 sessions.
The client restored his emotional state and resources. For a quick recovery, the client turned on work through the body and keeping his diary of emotions, went out of a long-term partnership in an environmentally friendly way without debt for obligations and conflicts, contra versa with maintaining good relations and his image. He worked out his desired partnership terms and signed a contract on higher and better terms than he expected with another leading brand, managed to agree on the creation of a brand product with authorship and the presence of the client's name on the product. The client conducted an audit and reorganization of his business that allowed him to change the state of “I must or should” back to the state of “I want and wish”. The client's financial goal was achieved while the client was still in coaching.
Long-term contract for 12 sessions, the client extended the contract for another 6 sessions.
The client restored his emotional state and resources. For a quick recovery, the client turned on work through the body and keeping his diary of emotions, went out of a long-term partnership in an environmentally friendly way without debt for obligations and conflicts, contra versa with maintaining good relations and his image. He worked out his desired partnership terms and signed a contract on higher and better terms than he expected with another leading brand, managed to agree on the creation of a brand product with authorship and the presence of the client's name on the product. The client conducted an audit and reorganization of his business that allowed him to change the state of “I must or should” back to the state of “I want and wish”. The client's financial goal was achieved while the client was still in coaching.
CASE 2. Duration of interaction: 12 sessions
The youngest manager in the team of stores directors requests to develop the skills and competencies of an executive level manager, leadership and communications inside of the ambitious leaders team. The work in coaching began against the backdrop of the client’s endless list of tasks and routines, and a lack of understanding of how to build a funnel of operations, due to the fact of a new store’s opening and the client’s need to manage it as well, what and how to effectively and safely delegate while maintaining the ability to track the progress towards the sales plans and goals, establishing the communications with new staff, introducing corporate culture and strategies of accepted interaction to the latter and the promotion of new ideas in general. The client faced the conflict with more experienced members of the managerial team.
Long-term contract for 12 sessions
The client found reasons for distrust that stopped him from delegating, patterns of his actions and reactions leading to unexpectedly opposite results in communications. The client realized that what he worked so hard for or rather created the picture of endless work with unnecessary actions can be achieved easier and more environmentally friendly to himself and to his subordinates. The client developed and started to implement his own plan for the individual development of the leader. He designed and submitted a new idea proposal to the Board of Directors and investors, with the support of more experienced colleagues. He significantly improved relationships in the team and made an important decision in his personal life.
Long-term contract for 12 sessions
The client found reasons for distrust that stopped him from delegating, patterns of his actions and reactions leading to unexpectedly opposite results in communications. The client realized that what he worked so hard for or rather created the picture of endless work with unnecessary actions can be achieved easier and more environmentally friendly to himself and to his subordinates. The client developed and started to implement his own plan for the individual development of the leader. He designed and submitted a new idea proposal to the Board of Directors and investors, with the support of more experienced colleagues. He significantly improved relationships in the team and made an important decision in his personal life.
Coaching benefits for the client
In my opinion (as a coach and as a person).
Here are some of the benefits a client obtains from coaching partnership with a coach:
1) system support (the coach always believes in the client and his/her potential, maintains confidentiality, works for the goals of the client in the session, creates a supporting environment where the client may allow and remains him/herself),
2) understanding of their true goals and values (the coach always explores what the client needs this goal for and how this goal correlates with the client’s life values, and when the client in the session suddenly finds that the goal is far-fetched or no longer relevant, he/she does not waste his/her time and resources in his/her life),
3) focusing to the future (solving problems, goals, situations are in the coordinates of the future, even if there are 60 minutes of a coach session between the client’s request and its solution)
4) individual motivation system (the client finds his own eco-friendly methods for solving crisis situations and overcoming internal barriers, transforms his/her failures into experience, learns how to create his/her own support and motivation system)
5) authorship of one's life (solutions to requests and movement towards one's personal and business goals are unique, like copyrights)
My experience in coaching
I sell what I use
Easy and
successful transition/promotion from senior manager position to
An individual plan for the development of leadership competencies with subsequent support of the CEO of a partner company as a mentor
Financial goals and “financial airbag”
An individual plan for the development of leadership competencies with subsequent support of the CEO of a partner company as a mentor
Financial goals and “financial airbag”
A quote to live by
What's important for me to keep in mind
The quote
from the movie, Interstate 60, I like the most and it is the following. “It
began as a wish, became an adventure, and ended as the ultimate road trip”.
For me, this movie is about trusting yourself and your dreams, about
responsibility for taking decisions, about the fact that you may and rule
your life and your business. As a coach, I can only observe and witness your
transformation at some point in your journey towards your goals in life and
business. There will always be those who say that you will not succeed. Don't
listen to anyone if you really want to achieve something. “They say it won't
work because they couldn't do it themselves”. This is another quote from
another movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, which is about the same thing - about
trusting yourself, having the courage to move along your Interstate 60.

CoachingUP - International Coaching Development University. Since April 2019, we have been teaching online coaching to students from 96 countries on more than 15 programs
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Акция: сейчас -15%
В одной группе на общих воркшопах смогут учиться студенты, говорящие на русском, украинском и английском языках. На практике - деление на группы по языкам. Русский язык - оригинал обучения, а украинский и английский в синхронном переводе
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Students who speak Russian, Ukrainian, and English will be able to study in one group in general workshops. In practice - the division into groups by language. Russian is the original language of instruction, and the other languages are in simultaneous translation.
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