Svitlana Shkil

"I am open, honest and always on the side of my client. I love humor and lightness, friendly and attentive. I believe in my client and his/her potential, so together with me it’s easier to explore where one might not be able to do it, or consider it difficult, or not clear, as if the time has not yet come, that something is still missing or just scary. At the same time, you may find me as a coach, who calmly asks uncomfortable questions with sincere curiosity, like a partner, with some challenge, but without judgments, biases and prejudices. Everything is OK with both you and me. I guarantee the confidentiality and coaching support that gives my clients the opportunity to trust the space and themselves, look into the exploration of their request for sessions from different angles, systematically, including the focus of studying the situation from different roles in it, areas of influence and responsibility, risks, barriers, restrictions, hidden opportunities with which the client encounters or may encounter and use or warn independently in life and business, realizing their goal or project. Working in coaching through an individual systematic approach gives the client the opportunity to see not only the request / task / goal, but also him/herself, his/her personality and values along with the task / goal / result in life and business, and work on his/her requests and tasks not only while working with me in coaching, but also after the end of the coaching interaction. My clients witness the comfort and consistency in coaching, changes in life and the effectiveness of our general partnership.

The coach works according to the international standards of the world's largest coaching federation ICF - without techniques and tools of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). [Verified by CoachingUP]
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My main values are

My values are freedom, the principle of "okay" for you and the whole world, partnership and humanism, which guide me in my work and personal life. I believe that a person deserves respect by birthright. It is an ideal system of balances that we learn throughout our lives - to be in peace and harmony with ourselves, others and the world.

Coaching for me is...