Oleksandra Ivchenko

Depending on personality and client's wishes we have an agreement with client about the possible coaching approaches like caring and supportive coach or challenging and direct. Caring and supportive coach is also a  necessity for clients in crisis where coach should be extra careful and delicate with questions and topics, not digging to deep to avoid trauma or increase crisis situation. It can also happen with ordinary clients depending on topics and requests they bring. Challenging and direct coach is somebody who pays extra attention to details, contradictions, challenges goals and intentions of the client. Which helps to achieve faster results and to find real reasons behind the words. Approaches can be different but both of them are aimed to help client to transform one's life by personal transformations, by transformations of vision and mindset.
The coach works according to the international standards of the world's largest coaching federation ICF - without techniques and tools of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). [Verified by CoachingUP]
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