Anna Ammon

"I am an understanding and empathic coach. I love interacting with people am also aware of how difficult life can sometimes be, so I always enjoy discovering how exactly my client plans to accomplish his/her objectives and deal with new challenges. This allows the client to be himself/herself, to trust the coach, and, as a result, to achieve the desired insights.

I am a clear mirror (at least I try to be). I do not direct the client; instead, I listen closely and notice what is going on in the session, drawing the client's attention to moments that may be invisible to him/her. I believe that only the client knows how and what he needs to do to attain his objectives. This allows the client to learn more about himself, which would be impossible to learn without the assistance of a skilled coach.

I am a courageous coach. If trust is developed and the client wants challenging questions, I will ask. If I see any disagreement in what the client says, I will tell about that. At the same time, the decision of how seriously to take what I've revealed is always on the client's side - I'm not married to my hypotheses, I don't lead the client, but I think it's important to share what I've discovered."

The coach works according to the international standards of the world's largest coaching federation ICF - without techniques and tools of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). [Verified by CoachingUP]
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My main values are

Making the world a better place—a place that is enjoyable and harmonious for everyone. I try to avoid starting fights and mediate them when I can.
Self-realization via positively impacting other people's lives. I do it in my coaching practice as well as in my regular encounters.
Lifelong learning. I enjoy learning new things and I have two advanced degrees (in management and psychology). I also read scientific news about psychology, neurology, and health on a daily basis.

Coaching for me is...

Coaching is a method of communicating with someone that helps them reach their goals more efficiently (quickly, economically, productively). Coaching assists you in focusing your mental processes on what you declared at the start of the session (or contract) as the desired outcome. The coach cannot and does not know the route you will take to achieve your goal; the coach also does not know whether the route will be straight or curvy. But when the coach notices that you appear to be veering away from the route's previously primary goal, he will ask you, "What about now?   Are you still moving towards your target?"  This focus is immensely beneficial given the nature of the human mind. "Our mind is a bubbling pot of water," stated American neuropsychologist Michael Gazzaniga. Which bubble will make it up to the top at any given moment is hard to predict. The top bubble ultimately bursts into an idea, only to be replaced by more bubbles. The surface is forever energized with activity, endless activity, until the bubbles go to sleep.” This is how we usually live - we bubble and sleep:), if you want to make changes in your life, find someone who will help you focus - your coach.