Coaching for new members YBC

Discover what you want in any area of life or business and from life in general. Strengthen your inner support and belief in yourself, get inspired to take action no matter what, and get much more... :))


coaching sessions

New YBC member can use 2 individual sessions from coaches with international qualifications Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from ICF, the world's largest coaching federation

days to complete

Within 30 days after using the promo code, the YBC members can receive 2 coaching sessions with selected two coaches

minutes each session

Each coaching session lasts up to 60 minutes. Attention!!! A coach doesn't give any advice and recommendations, but creates a space in which the client finds the best answer for them.

Choose your coaches

You can choose two coaches and receive one session from each. Go to the coach page and get more information about the coach. Go to the coach page and get more information about them.

What can you get?

The coach doesn't provide any advice or direction. Here are examples of inquiries, but it's not an exhaustive list of what you can work on. Only you can decide what to focus on each session. You can choose to work on a one inquiry in several sessions.

Formulate or specify your main life goal

The world is changing rapidly, and stability is long gone. Therefore, we often don't fully understand where we're going or what we truly want. At times, we discover new values and then abandon previous goals without reevaluating them, or we continue to pursue something that is essentially no longer relevant to us.

Strengthen your inner support and bolster self-belief; you will discover resources.

Some of us just survive, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, not seeing prospects and opportunities to change the situation or life in general. Others argue that it's not the right time or the right situation, delaying what's really important until later. And some people strengthen their faith and support, discover their inner resources, and move towards what they want with great pleasure.


Identify inspiring and desired changes across various life domains.

Daily challenges and tasks, as well as constant changes, do not always allow us to pause and think about what exactly we want. Both from life in general and from each specific area of it. What do we want from our business, career, finances, personal relationships, the space we live in, and our relationships with our parents and children? When was the last time you managed to think about your desires? With us, you will not only think about, but also work out your desires!


Build a path to desired results that you genuinely believe in.

People often think that achieving or changing something requires a lot of effort and "stepping out of your comfort zone." But what if you can find a simple way at your own pace to something that inspires you? What if you can move towards what you want with ease and pleasure? A coach can help you figure out what your exact path will be.


Start taking action to change your life for the better, regardless of obstacles.

Often, we postpone what is truly important for the sake of urgent but less significant tasks that do not contribute to our desired progress. We sometimes prioritize things that matter to others over what is crucial for our own well-being. Frequently, there seems to be a lack of time and energy to take even small but meaningful steps. With a coach, you can start taking action with energy and inspiration, helping you overcome these challenges and move forward in a more purposeful way.

How does our project work?

We strive to give everyone the opportunity to try coaching in a convenient and functional way

Get to know the coaches in the catalog

As a coach does not give advice and it is better for him/her not to be an expert in the client's issue, we do not publish career paths and backgrounds outside of coaching on the coach pages. Here we tried to reveal the individual coach's personality.

Choose the coaches you want to work with

Based on the coaches' videos, their profiles on the website and in your personal account, choose those with whom you can be really sincere. Those in whose company you can be honest with yourself during the session. Those whom you can trust to express things that you are not always ready to admit to yourself. You have a unique opportunity to work with several.

Choose days and time for a coaching session

A simple and convenient function of booking time for coaching sessions with the ability to synchronize with the coach's personal calendar. In fact, you see real free time slots, so the probability that a coach will not be able to conduct a session is close to zero. Moreover, time slots are available several days in advance.

Think about what you would like to work on during the session

A coach will be able to be as informative as possible about a huge number of requests and will support you in determining what is really important to work on during the current coaching session. At the same time, a coach will not be able to be helpful where other specialists should help. For example, working with the past, eliminating physical addictions. Coaching is about the future, about the present, about positive changes, about support and faith.

Schedule a coaching session on Google Meet

After booking a time slot, you will receive an email with a link to a Google Meet session on the date and time you choose. The email also gives you the opportunity to cancel the coaching session if you booked it by mistake or changed your plans. It is important not to be late for the session. The coach waits for the client for no more than 5 minutes, and then simply leaves the room.

All is completely confidential

Everything that happens in a coaching session is kept in a coaching session. Acting within the framework of the international code of ethics, the coach has no right to disclose or use information received from the client. In turn, the coach does not have access to the client's contact information. As a result, we guarantee complete confidentiality.

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

What's next?

Have you completed two coaching sessions and are interested in continuing?

We understand that "knowing" and "doing" are different things :). There is a lot of turnover and "urgent" things in our lives. We don't always find time to focus on the things that are important to us, as well as to systematically take at least some steps in the direction of what we want.  

By choosing one coach and working with him or her for 12 sessions over 100 days, i.e. once a week, you will be able to move towards your goals and make changes in your life!

Days of positive changes when working with one coach in a package of 12 sessions